Properties of tangerine

Properties of tangerine

Nutritional Value of Tangerine:

Nutritional value per 100 grams of tangerine is:

                                                          Vitamin A 420 I. you

                                                          Carbohydrate 13.34 g

                                                          Diet fiber 1.8 gr

                                                          0.81 g protein

                                                          Thiamine (vitamin B1) six hundred mg

                                                          Niacin (vitamin B3) thirty-seven hundred mg

                                                          Vitamin B6 eight hundred mg

                                                          Vitamin C Twenty-seven mg

                                                          Calcium 37 mg

                                                          0.15 mg of iron

                                                         Magnesium 12 mg

                                                         Phosphorus 20 mg

                                                         Potassium 166 mg

                                                         Sodium 2 mg

                                                         Over 0.07 mg

                                                         0.3 g fat

                                                         44kcal calories
The therapeutic benefits of tangerine:

    The nature of tangerines is cold
    A rich source of vitamin C.
     A rich source of beta-carotene.
    It is useful for reducing fever and relieving blood pressure in the liver.
    Some believe that it can be effective in treating syphilis because of its disinfectant properties.
    It has high levels of vitamin A and is useful for cancer prevention.
    It's a good home for the nervous system
    This fruit purifies and raises blood.
    If you are suffering from insomnia and cannot sleep comfortably at night, nutritionists recommend eating a few tangy seeds a couple of hours before bedtime.
    Tangerines, in addition to their appetizing properties, are fruits that are strong for the heart and stomach, and are prescribed as a natural appetizer for patients with anorexia and those who tend to gain weight.
    Nutrition experts say tangerines are fun because of their vitamins C, A and B and can regulate heart function.
    It is a good diuretic fruit and can therefore excrete toxins.
    Doctors also recommend eating tangerines to patients suffering from vertigo.
     This fruit cures blood clotting in autumn, thereby improving atherosclerosis, venous wall edema, and arterial blackening, incomplete paralysis and angina.
    Tangerine contains a lot of magnesium and is thus effective in muscle, digestive and nervous system activity and due to its high phosphorus and calcium levels, it is one of the fruits that is effective in bone and skeleton formation.
    Tangerine boosts memory and intelligence due to its high phosphorus and high vitamins content

This fruit is useful for treating the following diseases:

    Lung inflammation
    Different skin diseases

Treatment of Tummy Bloating with Tangerine:

    People with abdominal bloating can consume their own abdominal bloating alone by consuming tangerine fruit.
    This group can eat tangerine fruit alone or consume tangerine juice or dried tangerine fruit.
    They all have antifouling properties.
    Even people who like it can powder dried tangerine fruit and add it to their food to eliminate the monumental effect of food.

Natural extractor tangerine

    Tangerine fruit is one of the best natural antipsychotic drugs known as natural extractor among traditional Chinese medicine therapists.
    This winter fruit is highly recommended for people with sputum cough.
    Like extractorant syrup, this fruit has a sputum effect and eliminates the nausea of the throat and reduces cough.

Useful in the treatment of poisoning:

     People with alcohol poisoning can alleviate the poisoning by drinking tangerine juice or eating fresh tangerine. The detoxifying property of tangerine helps the patient to overcome his poisoning and weakness very quickly.


     If you have hypertension, drinking fresh tangerine juice or adding dried fruit to the food will help the patient lower their blood pressure and control it.

Rich Potassium Source:

    People who need more potassium can compensate for the amount of potassium they need through tangerine fruit, tangerine powder or water.

Tangerine consumption in pregnancy:

    Fruits like oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, lemons and grapes are great sources for
