Baslogh Recipe Iranian Pastry

 Baslogh Recipe Iranian Pastry

 Baslogh Recipe Iranian Pastry

Baslogh is one of the old Iranian desserts, which today is mostly consumed as a sweets with tea. This delicious dessert is very enjoyable, so you can find little one who does not like Basiluche.
In this tutorial, we have prepared the most complete method of preparing the scales. With the ingredients mentioned in this recipe, you can prepare for 4 recipes. Stay tuned with cookie training and cooking classes.


  • Gelatin powder 2 tbsp
  • Starch 2 glasses
  • Sugar 2 glasses
  • Vanilla a teaspoon
  • 3 glasses of water
  • Rose water half glass
  • Coconut powder to the required amount
  • Walnut brain to the required amount 


  1. Choose a suitable pot and add the starch with a glass of water and then leave the pot for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, mix the water and starch mixture with hand mixer to make it homogeneous.
  2. Next, add sugar and 2 glasses of water and mix the ingredients well. In the next step, put the pot on a gentle heat and continue stirring until the starch is ground and the potassium is damaged.
  3. Meanwhile, we dissolve gelatin powder with half a glass of water in a bin Mari method and add to the potato containing starch. In the next step, add the rose water and vanilla to the ingredients and continue the stirring continuously.
  4. Shaking the material should be continued until the material is slightly concentrated, after the material is tightened slightly, remove the pot from the heat. Next, select a smooth surface and pour some coconut powder on it.
  5. Take some of the scones with a spoon and put on coconut powder. Now graze the coconut with coconut powder to form your own. After it's ready, put a walnut on it and press it.
More Recipe in ( Pastry )
image from ( طرز تهیه باسلوق )
